Michel Morin via Boost
2017-06-29 10:44:55 UTC
Do you mean coupling of Boost.Iterator and Boost.Range? I think that would
be fine, since Boost.Range already couples with Boost.Iterator.
Boost.Range's `boost::distance` should call Boost.Iterator's
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/utility/utility.htmbe fine, since Boost.Range already couples with Boost.Iterator.
Boost.Range's `boost::distance` should call Boost.Iterator's
the Boost.Iterator module.
After the move, the Boost.Iterator module will have:
- include/boost/iterator/next_prior.hpp
* Contains the actual code for `next` and `prior`.
(Personally, I'd like to add `boost::prev` as a synonym of `boost::prior`.)
- include/boost/utility/next_prior.hpp
* Just includes <boost/iterator/next_prior.hpp>.
This is how utility/declval.hpp was moved to the Boost.TypeTraits module.
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