Post by Ion Gaztañaga via BoostPost by Andrzej Krzemienski via BoostHi,
Post by Michel Morin via BoostThe Boost iterator traversal concepts have not been adopted by the C++ Standard.
Because of this, some of RandomAccessTraversalIterators (Boost's
treated as InputIterators (Standard's concepts) by the stdlib.
IMHO, Boost.Iterator should provide BoostIteratorTraversalConcepts-aware
`boost::advance` and `boost::distance` to avoid the inefficiencies.
I would like to confirm something in your post. I think the standard
requires iterator_category to be one of the standard types, not something
Draft N4659 (2017/03) 27.4.2 Standard iterator tags
Well, yes and no. That is, you are right that if I have implemented
something that is a BidirectionalIterator but is not a
RandomAccessIterator, I should assign it exactly tag
`bidirectional_iterator_tag` and nothing else.
On the other hand, being dead pedantic, the tags inherit from one another,
so I may have an exact standard tag that is at the same time a type derived
from another standard tag.
Post by Ion Gaztañaga via BoostFor every iterator of type Iterator, iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category
shall be defined to be the most specific category tag that describes the
iterator’s behavior
Post by Ion Gaztañaga via BoostIf this is correct, in your article is_BidirectionalIterator() should be
defined using is_same instead of is_base_of,
Maybe the choice of the name `is_BidirectionalIterator()` is bad. Wat I
meant was "at least Bidirectional". This function is implemennting a sort
of concept check. If we look at Ranges TS:
Section 9.3.14 describing concept BidirectionalIterator uses DerivedFrom in
the check:
template <class I>
concept bool BidirectionalIterator() {
return ForwardIterator<I>() &&
*DerivedFrom*<iterator_category_t<I>, bidirectional_iterator_tag>() &&
requires(I i) {
{ --i } -> Same<I&>;
{ i-- } -> Same<I>;
and Boost.Iterator's iterator_category definitions might not compatible
Post by Ion Gaztañaga via Boostwith the standard. Or am I missing something?
You are not: Boost.Iterator's category tags are not conformant to STL's
iterator tags. this decision is deliberate, as the definition of STL's
iterator concepts is buggy. For instance a zip iterator composed of
RandomAccessIterators in STL can only be a InputIterator, because it cannot
meet the STL requirement for ForwardIterator:
if *X* is a mutable iterator, *reference *is a reference to *T*; if *X* is
Post by Ion Gaztañaga via Boosta constant iterator, *reference *is a reference to *const T*.
A zip iterator has *reference* == *value_type*, as per
And this decision makes sense. *reference_type* is not a reference but a
tuple of references.
So according to STL rules zip-iterator can only be an InputIterator, even
though you have random-access capability. And in fact, zip-iterator has
iterator_category tag of `std::input_iterator_tag`, but apart from that it
provides a Boost "traversal category" tag, which just tell how you get to
the next object in the colleciton and not about its reference type.
This STL requirement:
if *X* is a mutable iterator, *reference *is a reference to *T*; if *X* is
Post by Ion Gaztañaga via Boosta constant iterator, *reference *is a reference to *const T*.
Is not really necessary. I guess the authors just did not forsee iterator
types like zip-iterator at that point. STL2 does not have this requirement
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