[boost] [random] Request for Additional Generators
degski via Boost
2017-06-14 06:30:01 UTC
I would like to request the addition of 2 generators to Boost.Random.


Web page: http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/

A very fast PRNG, (quite a lot) faster than the fastest current boost
generator, with a period of 2 ^ 128, which could/would be good for f.e.
game programming (except for shuffling, see below). It also has a state of
only 16 bytes on x64. The author states that the distribution is of higher
quality than f.e. MT19937-64
It's probably best to just read the web-page, as it goes into quite some
detail and is in itself the summary of the research conducted in this area.

Other than the normal boost complications, it's very easy to implement and
I use my simplistic implementation to great satisfaction with the std and
boost distributions.

In this
article on CodeProject the issue of shuffling is raised. It's appears that
shuffling of large arrays of data requires a generator with extremely long
periods in order to be able to generate all the possible permutations. To
this extent I would like to see in boost a generator like George
Marsaglia's SuperKiss
or/and a templated SFMT generator like this
<https://sourceforge.net/p/int64/svn/HEAD/tree/snips/sfmt.hpp> one.

"*Ihre sogenannte Religion wirkt bloß wie ein Opiat reizend, betäubend,
Schmerzen aus Schwäche stillend.*" - Novalis 1798

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Steven Watanabe via Boost
2017-06-14 14:15:57 UTC
Post by degski via Boost
I would like to request the addition of 2 generators to Boost.Random.
I'm not going to implement them myself, but
I will accept PRs.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost
degski via Boost
2017-06-15 04:35:58 UTC
Post by Steven Watanabe via Boost
I'm not going to implement them myself, but
I will accept PRs.
In Christ,
Steven Watanabe
What would be the best (easiest) base to start from (as a model)?

"*Ihre sogenannte Religion wirkt bloß wie ein Opiat reizend, betäubend,
Schmerzen aus Schwäche stillend.*" - Novalis 1798

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Steven Watanabe via Boost
2017-06-15 14:45:06 UTC
Post by degski via Boost
Post by Steven Watanabe via Boost
I'm not going to implement them myself, but
I will accept PRs.
What would be the best (easiest) base to start from (as a model)?
There isn't much difference between engines.
Try linear_congruential_engine.

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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